Joe - 1952-2002
We miss Joe and celebrate his contribution to modern music. I think everything's updated now. Let me know if you see something I missed.. - Ð
12/12/21 - Updated the site to a responsive design.
11/17/15 - Updated all the iTunes buttons on the site. Now they all work, yay!
01/16/13 - The City of Granada named a plaza in Joe Strummer's honor.
11/05/12 - See a Joe production: Meeting Joe Strummer, playing 19th-22nd December at The Cockpit in London.
10/30/12 - These guys sell Vintage T-Shirts. They have a clash section.
03/21/12 - A Conversation on Cool posted a picture of the Clash meeting Andy Warhol.
01/09/12 - Added iTunes Ringtones to the Ringtones Page.
09/11/11 - Ten years ago Joe said: There's got to be some good that comes out of [the attacks]...Maybe people are just going to be nicer to each other. Because it's just too horrible. The world just can't be that bad. It just can't be.
08/21/11 - Tomorrow is Joe's birthday. Happy Birthday Joe.
12/22/09 - Joe Strummer, nine years gone. We still miss you Joe.